Our Story
CareLink Advantage is a division of Northern Communications Services. Since 1954, Northern Communications has been the leading pioneers in the north that provides ground-breaking initiatives and services in business communications, emergency calling, mobile messaging and call tracking across North America. Other divisions of Northern Communications include; True Steel Security (commercial and residential alarms, access, and CCTV services), Northern911 (alarm monitoring, fire dispatch, enhanced and VoIP 911 call routing). Our 24-hr personal medical response service called Helpline, has been providing emergency response buttons for over 30 years.
Northern Communications is privately owned and operated. Our staff are very special, who deeply care about what we do! We are proud of our organization and are active in the community, these are just some of the associations we have partnered with in our community or read a heartfelt commentary from one of our employees.
CareLink Advantage is an exclusive service we provide across Canada. If you ask your mom or dad, they will tell you “there is no place like home, and that’s where I want to be.” Now with the help of CareLink Advantage, you can keep them living safely and independently at home!
We are big enough to offer the best in technology, yet small enough to offer the best in service!
Why CareLink?
From the desk of John Whitehead, President and CEO, CareLink Advantage/Northern Communications.
Every now and then, technology comes along that has the potential to make a major difference in our lives. Sometimes it is revolutionary, sometimes evolutionary, but always it provides a “eureka” moment when you see the potential and the enormous impact that it can have on all of us. CareLink Advantage is one of these technologies.
We all know that our fathers, mothers and other loved ones want to live normal lives as they age and remain in their homes for as long as possible. But over time, this becomes more and more difficult and more help is needed for everyday tasks and activities of daily living. Eventually, a point may be reached where some kind of alternative level of care is required. Ask your mother or father if they look forward to that day.
CareLink Advantage can help delay that moment. Believe me, I know this personally. It is allowing me to keep my mother living in her home as she struggles with the beginnings of Alzheimer’s. And by the way, to complicate her situation, she lives alone! When I choose to, I can monitor her daily actions to make certain all is well. But even better than this ability, is the fact that if something “is not right” with my mother, the system will reach out right away to myself and my other siblings, no matter where we are! The system is completely passive and does not require my Mom to be aware of the problem, nor take any actions whatsoever to have the system call for help. She just continues to live her life as though the system was not even there. I can’t begin to tell you the peace of mind that this gives my siblings and I. CareLink Advantage is helping to keep her safe at home, while reducing our stress and burnout.
So, why CareLink Advantage? In spite of all the technology, it’s pretty simple. CareLink Advantage can help you keep your loved ones safer and happier living in the residence of their choice. That’s important. That matters! And it allows you to balance your role as caregiver with all the other responsibilities you have in your life.
Thanks for taking the time to visit our website and learn about CareLink Advantage.
With warmest regards,
John Whitehead
We Give Back
The Northern Group of Companies supported many organizations in the past year. Together, we are making a difference in the communities we live and do business in.
Great service is our priority!

Chair’s Award
“Through involvement in business, professional associations and community service has had a significant impact on our community.”

International Award.
GE Security Pro Dealer Of The Year.

GE Hall of Fame
One of only three companies internationally inducted into this category.

National Award
Presented By CAM-X.
In dealing with staff, clients, and community, “ethics, integrity, and quality above all!”

Regional Award Of Excellence.
Awarded for “innovation” with respect to Care Link service offerings.
Any questions?
Should you have any specific questions or concerns, please let us know!
One of our representatives will surely help you with your needs.